I've tried to do a blogsite, for years, and I always fail to write in it religiously; then eventually, disregarding it it all together. I do not know how this will be any better. I was never one of those girls who had to rush home from school and write every little detail of the day's event in her diary. Well, looking back during my childhood years, I do recall my mom snooping in my room and find the one "consistent" diary I did wrote in. It gushed about how Dave was such a cutie, his hazel color eyes sparkled like a shinning stone, and his curly sandy brown hair was just perfectly product down to his skull! Of course, my mom being a typical Asian mom, made me feel guilty, "Do ju tink we are working hard and sending ju to a good escool por dis?" she hisses in her Filipino mixed wanna-a-be Ebonics accent. Of course, my mom being a Filipina and Catholic would not let me live it down for a week. Everytime I was around her, she scoffs and give me the evil eye making me feel like I committed murder. Needless to say, I learned my lesson to keep my thoughts to myself. Now that I am older, I realized, I love to write. Well, let me retract that - I. Love. To. Talk. As much as I love to talk, I can not say my audience feel the same way about my never ending marathon of a mouth. So thus, writing became an outlet for my pent-up fantasies of how life could/should/would've be.
I was just checking out the previous entries and noticed it was related to recipes. At one point in my 20 something life, I wanted to own a catering business. Once I hit it big with the catering business, I wanted to open a restaurant; first in my Home Sweet Home Chicago, then to the Golden State, and eventually, to put some competition with Little Havana's south coast - Miami! Oh such hopes and dreams, I had; as one could guess, it did not work out. The nights that really made me change my mind was during the holiday season and eggrolls were being order left and right. Let us just say, a total of 4 hours of sleep in a course of 7 days, over 1,000 eggrolls made and other dishes were ordered, I decided to put that dream to bed - literally! I have admirable respect to anyone in the food industry, due to that moment my life. Though it did not work out for in that field, cooking is definitely one of my passions. Honestly, I really don not care whether the dish comes out great the first time around, it is how you learn from one's techniques, the ups and downs of how one perfected the dish, how one perfected and de-perfected over and over again. A wise chef told me once, "If they ask you for the recipe of your best dish, give it to them! They'll try to recreate it, but it won't come out like yours. Everyone's dish is like a thumb-print; everyone has one, but the making of your thumbprint - in this case, your famous dish - will be different."
Isn't that what life's all about? We're all human. We were all placed in this world to make something of ourselves? So why not make the best of what we have, and live life to the fullest? Do a Matthew McConaughey and "JUST KEEP LIVIN'!"
Kung hei fat choi everyone! May the blessings in the year of the dragon be plentiful!